Marina Uliashchenko (Mishcherikova)'s

English Groups - 2024-2025

Marina Uliashchenko (Mishcherikova)

  • PhD; СAE, CPE, BEC Vantage, Delta Module 1, 2, 3; 
  • exam prep English teacher with 14 years of experience;
  • teacher trainer with 10 years of practical experience
  • author of 7 certified professional development programs for teachers recognized by the Ministry of Education; 
  • founder and leader of online educational projects for 7 years, training over 9,000 English teachers
Ссылка на это место страницы: #CAE

CAE, CPE Courses duration: September, 10 - May 31, 70 classes.

  • First half of the year: September 10 - January 31. Winter holidays on December 25 - January 10
  • Second half of the year: February 1 - May 31. Days off on May 1, May 8.
Ссылка на это место страницы: #C1

C1 Sprints duration: September, 10 - May 31, 70 classes.

  • Sprint 1  (16 classes) -    09.09.24 - 3.11.24
  • Sprint 2  (16 classes) -   11.11.24 - 19.01.25 (Winter holidays 28.12-13.01) 
  • Sprint 3  (16 classes) -   20.01.25 - 23.03.25 
  • Sprint 4  (16 classes) -   27.03.25 - 29.05.25 (Spring holidays 1.05 - 10.05)
Ссылка на это место страницы: #B1

B1-B2 Courses duration: September, 10 - May 31, 64 classes.

  • Full immersion in the language environment
  • Classes are held online twice a week for 80 minutes
  • Up to 10 people in a group
  • Individual feedback from your teacher
  • Comfortable and inspiring atmosphere during classes
  • Each lesson recorded, access to recordings - 1 year
  • Feedback on homework speaking and writing from teachers
  • Individual guidance from teachers

ИП Ульященко М.А.

ИНН: 232705046490

ОГРНИП: 320237500219586